Thursday, October 4, 2007

"Goverment officials and the Law"

"Government and the Law"

Am going to start this topic of by saying Hello and Good bye!
Now hello and think of this,who elects the government officials,simple we the People of course, right?

Of course it"s us the People,at least I think the elections are proper elections.
When the People vote for that Individual,that person is elected to the government and now serves the Country and the People!

My point am trying to explain is onces that person is elected to office,is he or she still a regular person is that person still equal to every citizen of that country? That is for you to answer,thats up to the People to answer!

Well in the recent history,I have found out that Government and Democracy is getting very corrupted in the government it"s self. (Democracy is made for the people to elect the People in to power of the country to take responsibility of the country and the people.)

My point of that paragraph is does Democracy really work like it should work
(That is for you to answer.)

Hello and Good bye! Its"s time to end this point.

My last thing is what do you all think does the Government have to much control too much power too much authority,in law compare to the Citizens?

(Please do not criticize my topic my blog,remember everyone is different in perspectives and views.)

-Peace to all-
Regards.John Havlasek

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